To: the Archduke Rudolph
[Vienna, December, 1812]

Anderson v1 pg395 - letter #394

Your Imperial Highness!

       Since Sunday I have been ailing, although mentally, it is true, more than physically. I beg your pardon of thousand times for not having excused myself sooner. But from day today I had every intention of waiting upon you. Heaven is my witness, however, that notwithstanding the best intentions which I cherish for my most excellent lord and master, I have not been able to do this –– greatly though it distresses me not to be able to sacrifice everything to him for whom I cherish the deepest feelings of regard and affection and admiration –– Perhaps Your Imperial Highness yourself would not be acting unwisely if on account of the Lobkowitz concerts you were to make a break this time.  For even the most brilliant talent can suffer by becoming a slave to habit.

       With deepest regard I am Your Imperial Highness’s loyal and most devoted servant

                                                                       Ludwig van Beethoven